This year, Profile decided to take its communication in a new direction, focusing on clarity and sincerity. For this refreshed approach, Profile enlisted the creative expertise of YOUR. Subsequently, YOUR turned to us for an exciting project: developing a complete sound identity.

The adventure began with Dick, Friso, and Sam visiting a Profile garage in Zaandam. There, they met Harry Puts, the creative mind behind YOUR, and Annelies Engel, Profile’s marketer. It was here that the initial plans for the new Sound Identity were laid out.

Our team thoroughly analyzed all facets of the Profile brand, transforming its unique characteristics and brand values into musical parameters. These parameters formed the foundation for the new brand music and sound logo. Together, we crafted the definitive sonic world of Profile, with Sam creating an impressive and recognizable track.

The harmonious collaboration with Profile and YOUR paved the way not only for the brand to communicate clearly and authentically but also to give it a distinct and recognizable voice in the crowded world of communication.


Marketing & Strategy — Annelies Engel
Production — Evelien Ollongren

Creative — Harry Puts
Account — Ramon Kragtwijk

Music — Sam Walvisch
Music supervision — Dick Kok
Sounddesign — Florian van Oirschot
Voice Casting — Marieke Westenenk
Voice-over — Lizelotte van Dijk, Jenne
Production — Friso Schoone, Matthijs Koster