
A new sound identity for Independer
What does Independer’s new campaign sound like? Lab³ set out to define it. The result? A sound that’s both reassuring and straightforward.

Short 15-second stories with clear beginnings and endings, filled with voice-over and a sound logo that sticks. Would a male or female voice suit best? Should we include music, or perhaps just a distinctive sound? Maybe a combination of both? These questions simmered in our Lab. Voice-over proposals and musical sketches were rapidly developed and sent out, and it turned out the client was also a practicing musician.

Ultimately, every piece of the puzzle clicked into place, making the final sound seem completely natural.


Brand: Independer, Ralf Hesen
Agency: Ceci n’est pas un bureau, Gertjan Hafkamp, Gonneke van Zutphen
Creative: Sikko Gerkema, Jeroen van Zwam
Director: Mees Peijnenburg
Music: Lab³, Matthijs Koster
Voice-over: Sandra Mattie
Sounddesign: Lab³, Sam Walvisch
Sounddirection: Lab³, Jeroen van Gessel

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Want to learn more about how to find the right music and voice for your campaign?